Saturday, August 05, 2006

Daily Dust :: L'usine oubliée : Débris

Proof that the French (even when they're Canadian), can make anything look good -- especially if they start with top-quality materials. I love the visual pun these glass tiles make with dried mud-pan tiling. We forget sometimes that glass is just melted dust.

Here's how photographer Jean-Sébastien Bédard describes them:

"Désolation et débris, jonchant le sol de l'usine. Le temps fait souvent bien les choses. Ici une plante réussi à pousser tant bien que mal dans ce tas de pollution industrielle."
Personally, I think things are looking pretty good -- at least for the MoD garden decoration end of thing. I'm looking for a supplier as we speak.

More JS Bëd's Photographs >>


Blogger JS Bédard said...

Thanks for publishing the post. Indeed the french canadians can do some things in a good way :P

5:48 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here at MoD, our experience has been that they do most things well... and they don't suffer from the defects of non-French Canadians...

2:14 pm  
Anonymous Aska Blog said...

Loveely blog you have

11:54 am  

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